
Showing posts from June, 2018

VS Korean 한글 fput에서 한글깨짐 현상

File과 fput을 이용해서 한글을 포함한 HTML파일을 만드는 프로그램을 제작중에, 특정 글자가 깨지는 현상 발견. 나중에 알고 보니, 저장 고급옵션에 코드가 있는데, 한국어 (949)로 저장해야 제대로 다 입력됨.

How to make TM-AC1900 to AC68U (AiMesh) without roll back

1. To get SSH access, install FW_TM_AC1900_30043761703 using CFE miniWeb Server. (With press and hold RESET button, turn on router with holding 20 sec more then release reset button) 2. Open browser , if you may see Asustek CFE miniWeb server, press browse to set TM-AC1900_3.0.0.4_376_1703-g0ffdbba.trx and press upload button. 3. Wait for rebooting then log in using web browser 4. after log-in (admin/admin), find  administration - system - Enable SSH menu and set on. 5. [Putty] open ssh connection to [WinSCP] Open SCP connection Then type as follows in SSH $> cat /dev/mtd0 > original_cfe.bin 6. [WinSCP] copy original_cfe.bin to local drive 7. Open and upload original_cfe.bin then download new_cfe.bin with aiMesh feature and ALL country and Power up. 8. [WinSCP] Copy new_cfe.bin to router and mtd-write as well. 9. [Putty] Type following command in shell. $> ...