As I made node app with STL viewer.
I installed's js app as STL viewer.
But, I would like to generate STLviwer with different files.
So, I studied online blogs and youtube videos.
I found that I can use HTTP GET request for stl file name as parameters like
then I can get :id as and it can be used as stl filename.
I got two things comes up.
One is CORS I solved this from (
for Apache as webserver and as webdav server and for express.
Two is HTTP GET called twice with wrong parameters.
So, I tried query like this:
Then It works like a charm.
I am so happy to solve this issue in 3 weeks of struggling.
한국어 3줄요약
1. STL viewer를 실행하는데, STL파일URL을 전달하고 싶은데, POST로 하니, 피곤한게 많아짐.
2. 결국은 GET으로 해서 id=fileurl을 전달하니, CORS때문에 안되다가 해결하고나니.
3. 아주 잘됨.