[How to] Upgrade Bose AE2W bluetooth module to general 3.5mm plug

1. Buy AE2W bluetooth module from amazon or aliexpress

2. Check it works or not.

3. Unscrew 2.5mm plug parts.

4. Disassemble and check which pin is connected to which plug contact.

3.5mm plug contacts are
So, I check each pinout to each contacts to verify which one is L|R|GND.

5. Solder it one by one. then assemble it.

6. It works great with UE4000 even wirelessly using BT technology.


Sanghyun Kim said…
Minimum volume level sounds very loudly. I need to put resister on GND contact.
Sreeni said…
My BOSE wireless adapter got failed . Is a spare or a normal 2.5mm wireless dongle work with AE2w..?
Original spares not available in market.

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